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Do you find yourself stopping and starting when reading a book in another language?

The Power of Reading when Learning English

One of the most effective ways to enhance your skills is through reading, however many of us feel the frustration when we come across new words or unfamiliar sentence structure. Here are some reading tips to significantly boost your English learning journey, and reasons why to continue reading and stop pausing to look up the unfamiliar.


Embrace the Challenge: Guessing Words from Context

When you come across a word you don't know, resist the urge to immediately reach for a dictionary. Instead, try to guess its meaning based on the context of the sentence and the overall story. This approach encourages critical thinking and helps you become more intuitive in your understanding of English. Often, the "color" of the conversation – the tone, mood, and subtleties conveyed through words – can provide vital clues about the meaning of unfamiliar terms.

The Power of Repetition: Words Will Find You Again

Don't be discouraged if you don't understand a word the first time you see it. More often than not, that same word will appear again in different sentences and contexts. Each new encounter will provide additional clues to its meaning. Over time, you'll develop a deeper understanding and a more robust vocabulary without the need for constant dictionary checks.

Context is Key: Understanding the Conversation

The context in which a word is used can drastically change its meaning. By focusing on the broader conversation and the relationships between words, you can gain a better grasp of English as it is naturally spoken and written. This contextual learning is especially important for mastering conversational English, which can differ significantly from textbook English.

Happy Reading!

Remember to choose books that match your interests and proficiency level or a little higher, guess word meanings from context, and look forward to repeated encounters with new vocabulary. By immersing yourself in English literature, you'll find that your language skills improve naturally.

Happy reading!

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