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Selly Eigoへようこそ。

学習が教室を超えて広がるSelly Eigoで、自然な英会話のアートを体感してみてください。昨今では、英語教育は便利にアクセス可能であり、私たちのクロスプラットフォームアプローチは言語への楽しい熱中を提供します。

Selly Eigoでは、本物の言語習得が学習の鍵です。実用的なレッスンを重視しており、実際に言語を扱うことが最も効果的な方法だと考えています。最大限のアウトプットレッスンに焦点を当てており、セッションが進むにつれ、英語を話す恥ずかしさもなくなっていきます。



Welcome to Selly Eigo,

Discover the art of natural English conversation at Selly Eigo, where learning extends beyond the classroom. In today's world, English education is conveniently accessible, and our cross-platform approach offers a delightful immersion into the language.

At Selly Eigo, genuine language acquisition is the key to real learning. We emphasize practical usage, believing that using the language is the most effective way to grasp it. Our focus on maximum output lessons ensures that any initial shyness in speaking dissipates as the sessions progress.

As an educational service, our primary goal is to see you achieve your objectives, whether it's exam preparation, mastering English presentations, gearing up for travel, or simply maintaining conversational fluency.


Whatever your needs may be, we are dedicated to providing the highest level of service to all our customers. Explore the rest of our site to discover the diverse range of offerings we have to elevate your English language journey.

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